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Showing posts from August, 2024

Attributeerror: 'nonetype' Object Has No Attribute 'shape'

import numpy as np import cv2 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt img = cv2.imread('AB.jpg&#… Read more Attributeerror: 'nonetype' Object Has No Attribute 'shape'

What Is The Exact Difference Between R+ And W+ Modes?

I tried to use both of them opening a file but got the same result. w+ is supposed to create a new… Read more What Is The Exact Difference Between R+ And W+ Modes?

Matplotlib From Time Series Data Frame

Say I have a data frame like this: from pandas import DataFrame example = {'year_month': … Read more Matplotlib From Time Series Data Frame

Ssl V3 Handshake Failure (but Only In Newer Versions Of Openssl)

This basic snippet in Python 3.5, with a specific website, fails with requests.exceptions.SSLError:… Read more Ssl V3 Handshake Failure (but Only In Newer Versions Of Openssl)

Recurrent Machine Learning Etl Using Luigi

Today, running the machine learning job I've written is done by hand. I download the needed inp… Read more Recurrent Machine Learning Etl Using Luigi

Django 1.8 Programming Error: Relation Auth_user Doesn't Exist When Running Test

I've read already the existing answer about this problem in Stackoverflow. But none worked for … Read more Django 1.8 Programming Error: Relation Auth_user Doesn't Exist When Running Test

Creating A Table Inside A Table In Sqlite 3 (python)

I'm trying to create a sqlite database for a recipe storing program, that holds in the recipe t… Read more Creating A Table Inside A Table In Sqlite 3 (python)

Handle Touchscreen Gesture In Tkinter

How would I go about installing a handler of touchscreen gestures in Tkinter? I need to something p… Read more Handle Touchscreen Gesture In Tkinter

Python Write To Hdfs File

What is the best way to create/write/update a file in remote HDFS from local python script? I am a… Read more Python Write To Hdfs File

Python How To Get Value From List For Specific Type

I want to print value of entity_id and attribute for type which is String e.g, entities = [{'id… Read more Python How To Get Value From List For Specific Type

How Can I Make Python's Coverage Tool Fail If Any Unit Tests Fail?

I want to use a shell script to make sure that my unit tests pass and that my code has sufficient t… Read more How Can I Make Python's Coverage Tool Fail If Any Unit Tests Fail?

Python And Libpcap. Find Source Mac Address Of Packet

I'm writing python program to build mac-address cache using pcap. But pcap module for python ha… Read more Python And Libpcap. Find Source Mac Address Of Packet

Cant Scrape Webpage With Python Requests Library

I am trying to get some info from a webpage (link below) using Requests in python; however, the HTM… Read more Cant Scrape Webpage With Python Requests Library

Opencv Write Frame To File Python

Hey so im starting to play around with OpenCV and I cant get my webcam output saved to a file. Here… Read more Opencv Write Frame To File Python

Requests-html Httpsconnectionpoolread Timed Out

Trying to send a request to here using requests-html. Here is my code: headers = {'User-agent&#… Read more Requests-html Httpsconnectionpoolread Timed Out

Selecting Rows And Columns In Pandas Dataframe

pandas dataframe has , number of items selling quantity FRUIT YESTERDAY TODAY TOMORROW Appl… Read more Selecting Rows And Columns In Pandas Dataframe

Eof Occurred In Violation Of Protocol With Python Ftplib

I'm working on an implicit TLS connection program with Python ftplib. I tried the solution prov… Read more Eof Occurred In Violation Of Protocol With Python Ftplib

Python Jira Connection With Proxy

I'm trying to connect via python-jira using a proxy: server = {'server': 'https://i… Read more Python Jira Connection With Proxy

How To Calculate Azimuth In Python

I have two points in 3d demension (x,y,z) and I want to calculate the Azimuth between then using Py… Read more How To Calculate Azimuth In Python

Scraping Data From A Dynamic Web Database With Python

I am new to Python and am currently trying to figure out how to scrape data from this web: https://… Read more Scraping Data From A Dynamic Web Database With Python

Opencv Camera Calibration In Python Without Using Cv2.findchessboardcorners

I am trying to use openCV for camera calibration. I do not have a problem as long as I use the cv2.… Read more Opencv Camera Calibration In Python Without Using Cv2.findchessboardcorners

Pandas Extract Numbers From Column Into New Columns

I currently have this df where the rect column is all strings. I need to extract the x, y, w and h … Read more Pandas Extract Numbers From Column Into New Columns

Wxpython Button Shortcut Accelerator How To '&spam'

How should I go about adding a button shortcut / accelerator? self.newItemButton = wx.Button(self.m… Read more Wxpython Button Shortcut Accelerator How To '&spam'

Filter Json Records In Django Rest Framework

I created a DRF API endpoint in order to be able to grab some data to my database and show it on my… Read more Filter Json Records In Django Rest Framework

No Module Named Textblob

I installed text blob with the line below on my PC: $ git clone… Read more No Module Named Textblob

Tkinter, Linux: How To View Window In Windows Task Bar Which Has No Title Bar?

I created a window: root = Tk() and removed the title bar: root.attributes('-type', 's… Read more Tkinter, Linux: How To View Window In Windows Task Bar Which Has No Title Bar?

Matplotlib Polar Plot With Large Number Of Points Gets Distorted

I want to plot a large number of data points on a polar scatter plot. I know how my data looks like… Read more Matplotlib Polar Plot With Large Number Of Points Gets Distorted

How To Detect All Boxes For Inputting Letters In Forms For A Particular Field?

It is required to recognize text from forms with boxes given for each character input. I have trie… Read more How To Detect All Boxes For Inputting Letters In Forms For A Particular Field?

How To Use Non-installable Modules From Dag Code?

I have a Git repository which (among other things) holds Airflow DAGs in airflow directory. I have … Read more How To Use Non-installable Modules From Dag Code?

Python - Getting "typeerror: Argument Of Type 'crs' Is Not Iterable" With Osmnx Package

I'm getting a strange type error with Osmnx that I haven't been able to find any other thre… Read more Python - Getting "typeerror: Argument Of Type 'crs' Is Not Iterable" With Osmnx Package

Loading An Image From Cifar-10 Dataset

I am using cifar-10 dataset for my training my classifier. I have downloaded the dataset and tried … Read more Loading An Image From Cifar-10 Dataset

Click On Buttons With Images

I'm trying to crawl this page: I made this script from… Read more Click On Buttons With Images

How To Check The Type Of File In Firebase Before Downloading?

I need to download a set of images from Firebase Storage. Before downloading, I need to check the t… Read more How To Check The Type Of File In Firebase Before Downloading?

Find All The Keys And Keys Of The Keys In A Nested Dictionary

I'm trying to find all the attributes of the data in a nested dictionary in Python. Some object… Read more Find All The Keys And Keys Of The Keys In A Nested Dictionary

Does Kmeans Normalize Features Automatically In Sklearn

I was wondering if KMeans automatically normalizes the features before doing clustering. There seem… Read more Does Kmeans Normalize Features Automatically In Sklearn

Sqlalchemy - Copy Data From A Database To Another Database With Exactly Same Schema

I have 2 mysql database connect with sqlalchemy in 2 docker machine. They both have same schema an… Read more Sqlalchemy - Copy Data From A Database To Another Database With Exactly Same Schema

Django Object Is Not Json Serializable Error After Upgrading Django To 1.6.5

I have a django app which was running on 1.4.2 version and working completely fine, but recently i … Read more Django Object Is Not Json Serializable Error After Upgrading Django To 1.6.5

Exposing Static Constant With Boost

I am using Boost 1.44.0 to cross-compile C++ code for Python. I'm trying to expose a static con… Read more Exposing Static Constant With Boost

Why Asyncio.get_event_loop Method Checks If The Current Thread Is The Main Thread?

Why get_event_loop method in asyncio (source) is checking if the current thread is the main thread … Read more Why Asyncio.get_event_loop Method Checks If The Current Thread Is The Main Thread?

Python Fuzzy Matching Of Names With Only First Initials

I have a case where I need to match a name from a given string to a database of names. Below I have… Read more Python Fuzzy Matching Of Names With Only First Initials

Save The Same Content To .csv File As Print Command

Print command showing me something like this (I have more as 3 rows, but this is only part of examp… Read more Save The Same Content To .csv File As Print Command

Python Convert List Of Nested Tuples To List Of Tuples

I have a list of nested tuples as [(('p1', 'p2'), ('m1',)), (('p2',… Read more Python Convert List Of Nested Tuples To List Of Tuples

Multiply Slice Of Scipy Sparse Matrix Without Changing Sparsity

In scipy, when I multiply a slice of a sparse matrix with an array containing only zeros, the resul… Read more Multiply Slice Of Scipy Sparse Matrix Without Changing Sparsity

Python Trie: How To Traverse It To Build List Of All Words?

I have created a trie tree as im learning python, here is the trie output {'a': {'b'… Read more Python Trie: How To Traverse It To Build List Of All Words?

Why The Below Program When Subtracting With One Another Providing "-1 Day, 23:59:58.233000" Kind Of Output?

I am trying to subtract two timestamps using datetime library of python. Since I don't want dat… Read more Why The Below Program When Subtracting With One Another Providing "-1 Day, 23:59:58.233000" Kind Of Output?

Python: How To Split A List Based On A Specific Element

If we have the following list in Python sentence = ['I', 'am', 'good', '… Read more Python: How To Split A List Based On A Specific Element

Tensorflow: Why 'pip Uninstall Tensorflow' Cannot Find Tensorflow

I'm using Tensorflow-0.8 on Ubuntu14.04. I first install Tensorflow from sources and then setup… Read more Tensorflow: Why 'pip Uninstall Tensorflow' Cannot Find Tensorflow

Matplotlib Axis Label Format

I am having an issue with the format of the tick labels of an axis. I disabled the offset from the … Read more Matplotlib Axis Label Format

Place Matplotlib Errorbars Not In Center Of Bar

I'm generating a stacked bar graph in Matplotlib with errorbars. Unfortunately, some of the tie… Read more Place Matplotlib Errorbars Not In Center Of Bar

Memoryerror In Python But Not Ipython

Generally-can you think of any reason why this would happen (i.e. a MemoryError in Python but not i… Read more Memoryerror In Python But Not Ipython

Using Python Regex To Extract Certain Urls From Text

So I have the HTML from an NPR page, and I want to use regex to extract just certain URLs for me (t… Read more Using Python Regex To Extract Certain Urls From Text

How To Save To A Remote Server With Django

I'm fairly new to Python and Django. I've recently got a Django app working on localhost in… Read more How To Save To A Remote Server With Django

How To Draw Dotted Line In The Graph With Text Written On It?

I have plotted a graph using matplotlib. I want to make straight lines with text written on it para… Read more How To Draw Dotted Line In The Graph With Text Written On It?

How To Limit The Max Deep Of Recursetree In Django Mttp?

I'm using django-mttp. How can I limit the max depth of recursetree? Max=3 Model: class Comment… Read more How To Limit The Max Deep Of Recursetree In Django Mttp?

Python: Where Is The Code For Os.mkdir?

I've been looking through the code of the os module (just to be clear, I'm looking at the f… Read more Python: Where Is The Code For Os.mkdir?