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Filter Json Records In Django Rest Framework

I created a DRF API endpoint in order to be able to grab some data to my database and show it on my Django page using Jquery. My sample data looks like this: { 'item': 'Someite

Solution 1:

Have a look on DRF doc. In your case, I'd suggest you install django_filters, then in your view:

from django_filters.rest_framework import DjangoFilterBackend

    queryset = tst.objects.all()
    serializer_class = tstSerializer
    filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend]
    filterset_fields = ('Status',)

Solution 2:

a few days ago i found and watched this video and i think it's useful for your question, (about model managers and querysets):

Solution 3:

You can set the queryset by django filter

queryset = tst.objects.filter(Status="Taken") # make sure the "Taken" is always Capitalized.

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