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Python Jira Connection With Proxy

I'm trying to connect via python-jira using a proxy: server = {'server': 'https://ip:port/jira', 'proxies': {'http': 'http://ip:port', 'https': 'http://ip:port'},

Solution 1:

You can provide the proxy to the constructor of JIRA:

cls.jira_object = JIRA(options=server,
                       basic_auth=(user, password),
                       proxies={"http": "http://ip:port", "https": "http://ip:port"})

Remember to remove the "proxies" from your options dict

More info about the constructor:

Solution 2:

This worked for me in python3.

server =  {'server': 'https://<>','proxies':"http://%s:%s@<ip>:<port>"%(proxy_user,proxy_password),'verify':True}

jira_object = JIRA(options=server,basic_auth=(jira_user,jira_password),                     validate=True)

Another option :

import os
from jira importJIRA 

os.environ['https_proxy']='<proxy url>:<port>'
os.environ['http_proxy']='<proxy url>:<port>'
con = JIRA(basic_auth=(<username>,<password>),options={'server':'<jira_url>'})

Solution 3:

Easiest way is to set "HTTPS_PROXY" environment variable. I did it this way :

import osos.environ["HTTPS_PROXY"]="https://genproxy:8080"os.environ["HTTP_PROXY"]="http://ip:port"

Solution 4:

It seems like it requires bit of a magic. Have a look here at this answer.

Here's code:

my_jira = JIRA(jira_options, basic_auth=(jira_admin, jira_passwd))
my_jjira._session.proxies = {'http': '', 'https': '' }

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