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Python: Where Is The Code For Os.mkdir?

I've been looking through the code of the os module (just to be clear, I'm looking at the file /usr/lib/python2.7/, and I've been trying to find the code for the mkdir functi

Solution 1:

On POSIX platforms (and on Windows and OS/2) the os module imports from a C module, defined in posixmodule.c.

This module defines a posix_mkdir() function that wraps the mkdir() C call on POSIX platforms, CreateDirectoryW on Windows.

The module registers this function, together with others, in the module PyMethodDef posix_methods structure. When the module is imported, Python calls the PyMODINIT_FUNC() function, which uses that structure to create an approriate module object with the posix_methods structure and adds a series of constants (such as the open() flag constants) to the module.

See the Extending Python with C or C++ tutorial on how C extensions work.

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