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Showing posts from September, 2023

Heatmap Based On Ratios In Python's Seaborn

I have data in Cartesian coordinates. To each Cartesian coordinate there is also binary variable. I… Read more Heatmap Based On Ratios In Python's Seaborn

How To Get R-squared For Robust Regression (rlm) In Statsmodels?

When it comes to measuring goodness of fit - R-Squared seems to be a commonly understood (and accep… Read more How To Get R-squared For Robust Regression (rlm) In Statsmodels?

How To Accelerate Webscraping Using The Combination Of Request And Beautifulsoup In Python?

The objective is to scrape multiple pages using BeautifulSoup whose input is from the requests.get … Read more How To Accelerate Webscraping Using The Combination Of Request And Beautifulsoup In Python?

Importerror: No Module Named '_version' When Importing Mechanize

I installed mechanize via pip and get an errer when I import the module: $ python Python 3.5.2 (def… Read more Importerror: No Module Named '_version' When Importing Mechanize Bot Leaving Voice Channel

I've been making a discord bot which enters a vc plays an audio then leaves, but I can't se… Read more Bot Leaving Voice Channel

Generate Different Random Numbers To Multiple Rows In A Column

I got a columns with integer values(n rows). I want to generate random numbers that range from a no… Read more Generate Different Random Numbers To Multiple Rows In A Column

How To Solve Raspberry Pi 3b & Bme280 Remote I/o Error

Let me start off with the components used: GPIO extension board to connect the raspberry pi to com… Read more How To Solve Raspberry Pi 3b & Bme280 Remote I/o Error

Kivy Scaling Text Based On Window Height And Width

I want to scale a text inside a button or label based on the window height, but limited by window w… Read more Kivy Scaling Text Based On Window Height And Width

How To Limit The Scope Of Element Extraction Between The Start And End Tag Of A Particular Xml Element Using Xpath In Python?

I have an RDF/XML Element and would like to find out all the elements between the start and end of … Read more How To Limit The Scope Of Element Extraction Between The Start And End Tag Of A Particular Xml Element Using Xpath In Python?

How To Know If A User Has Pressed The Enter Key Using Python

How to know if a user has pressed Enter using Python ? For example : user = raw_input('type in … Read more How To Know If A User Has Pressed The Enter Key Using Python

Why Is There A Blank Line Between My Print And Raw_input Lines?

I've been searching like crazy and I haven't found out why my code prints an extra empty li… Read more Why Is There A Blank Line Between My Print And Raw_input Lines?

Replace Specific Values Inside A Cell Without Chaging Other Values In A Dataframe

I am using pandas and have the following dataframe (df) with a column (mycol1). mycol1 -------… Read more Replace Specific Values Inside A Cell Without Chaging Other Values In A Dataframe

Convert A Pandas Dataframe Into A Nested Json

I need to convert pandas Dataframe into nested json. The output of .to_json gives the following {&… Read more Convert A Pandas Dataframe Into A Nested Json

Semantics Of Generating Symmetric Matrices In Numpy

I tried to make a random symmetric matrix to test my program. I don't care about the data at a… Read more Semantics Of Generating Symmetric Matrices In Numpy

How To Force Matplotlib To Display Only Whole Numbers On The Y Axis

The data I am visualising only makes sense if it is whole numbers. I.e. 0.2 of a record doesn'… Read more How To Force Matplotlib To Display Only Whole Numbers On The Y Axis

Python: Geometric Brownian Motion Simulation

A basic simulation of GBM doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong? The following code alway… Read more Python: Geometric Brownian Motion Simulation

Group By And Fill Missing Datetime Values

What I'm just trying is to group a Pandas Dataframe by contract and date, and fill missing date… Read more Group By And Fill Missing Datetime Values

Printing A Long Dictionary In The Pycharm Console

How can I print a long dictionary in a PyCharm console so that each key-value pair takes one and on… Read more Printing A Long Dictionary In The Pycharm Console

Kivy Scrollview Is Not Working

I am trying to use kivy scrollview inside of EmployeeScreen class. it will not scroll!? what am I d… Read more Kivy Scrollview Is Not Working

Spyder Module Import

I am trying to import cv2 module in but somehow it does not import. By the way I am able… Read more Spyder Module Import

Django Save Only First Form Of Formset

I've looked through every similar question (and tried them), but still couldn't find answer… Read more Django Save Only First Form Of Formset

What Steps Are Needed To Implement Memcached In A Django Application?

I have my existing Django web application that uses a MySQLDB without memcaching. I would like to i… Read more What Steps Are Needed To Implement Memcached In A Django Application?

How To Use Multiprocessing In Current Python Application?

I have an application that is reading thousand of files from different directories, it reads them, … Read more How To Use Multiprocessing In Current Python Application?

Python Recursive Function Doesn't Return

I'm trying to sharpen my noob Python skills by trying a problem my son has in his college CS cl… Read more Python Recursive Function Doesn't Return

Using Colormap With Bokeh Scatter

In matplotlib the scatterplot offers the possibility of using the color of a plot to indicate value… Read more Using Colormap With Bokeh Scatter

Python3 Mock Doesn't Work For All Paths

The Production file ( is: class MyError(Exception): pass class MyClass: … Read more Python3 Mock Doesn't Work For All Paths

From Flask, How To Send The Matplotlib Plot Image Into Json Object?

We are trying to create an API that works with React on the frontend and Flask on the backend. As a… Read more From Flask, How To Send The Matplotlib Plot Image Into Json Object?

Windows 10 Conda Is Not Recognized As An Internal Or External Command

Tried to conda install -c conda-forge requests-futures=0.9.7 but failed with conda is not recogniz… Read more Windows 10 Conda Is Not Recognized As An Internal Or External Command

Find All Elements And Indices Larger Than Threshold In List Of Lists

I have a list of lists like: j=[[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9,10],[11,12,13,14,15]] and I want to get a… Read more Find All Elements And Indices Larger Than Threshold In List Of Lists

Tkinter - Run Function After Frame Is Displayed

The code below has an onShowFrame function in the OtherPage class that runs when the OtherPage fram… Read more Tkinter - Run Function After Frame Is Displayed

Finding Relative Maximums Of A 2-d Numpy Array

I have a 2-D numpy array that can be subdivided into 64 boxes (think of a chessboard). The goal is … Read more Finding Relative Maximums Of A 2-d Numpy Array

Python Concatenate Arrays In A List

I have a list of arrays of same size. The list 'z' holds: >>> z[0] Out[24]: array(… Read more Python Concatenate Arrays In A List

Is It Possible Not To Use "self" In A Class?

Possible Duplicate: Python: How to avoid explicit 'self'? In python class if I need to r… Read more Is It Possible Not To Use "self" In A Class?

How To Avoid Multiple Flat If Conditions In Python?

Consider the snippet: def check_conditions(range_of_numbers): #method returns a list containing mes… Read more How To Avoid Multiple Flat If Conditions In Python?

Using A Function Closes Pygame Window

The following is the String class. Using the draw function from this class in my main loop immediat… Read more Using A Function Closes Pygame Window

Python And Sqlite3 Throwing An Error: Sqlite3.operationalerror: Near "s": Syntax Error

I'm trying to use Python and BeautifulSoup to scrape some web info, iterate through it and then… Read more Python And Sqlite3 Throwing An Error: Sqlite3.operationalerror: Near "s": Syntax Error

How To Round To Nearest Decimal In Python

This is my first time working with Python. I'm trying to figure out how to round decimals in th… Read more How To Round To Nearest Decimal In Python

Quickest Way To Make A Get_dummies Type Dataframe From A Column With A Multiple Of Strings

I have a column, 'col2', that has a list of strings. The current code I have is too slow, t… Read more Quickest Way To Make A Get_dummies Type Dataframe From A Column With A Multiple Of Strings

Want To Count The Number Of Values In A Column That Meet A Condition

I am trying to count the number of values in a column that meet a certain condition (for example, a… Read more Want To Count The Number Of Values In A Column That Meet A Condition

How Do You Read Data In Csv File And Print Specific Ones?

in my program i ask the user for a number and then proceed to read a csv file using DictReader. I w… Read more How Do You Read Data In Csv File And Print Specific Ones?

How To Add/append A Row To A Particular Partition In The Dask Dataframe?

I want to append a row to a particular partition in dask dataframes. I have tried out many methods … Read more How To Add/append A Row To A Particular Partition In The Dask Dataframe?

Tkinter Python Crashes On New Thread Trying To Log On Main Thread

i have created a tkinter gui that does some time consuming operations when clicking on some buttons… Read more Tkinter Python Crashes On New Thread Trying To Log On Main Thread

Running Multiple Queries In Mongo`

I have a collection and want to get a set of results that met a set of conditions. I understand the… Read more Running Multiple Queries In Mongo`

Running Opencv From A Python Virtualenv

I'm trying to install OpenCV within a virtualenv on my Ubuntu Server 12.04. I found a thread di… Read more Running Opencv From A Python Virtualenv

Selenium - Socket.error: [errno 111] Connection Refused

I'm trying to create Selenium tests for my web application. So far I have: from selenium import… Read more Selenium - Socket.error: [errno 111] Connection Refused

Saving And Doing Inference With Tensorflow Bert Model

I have created a binary classifier with Tensorflow BERT language model. Here is the link. After the… Read more Saving And Doing Inference With Tensorflow Bert Model

Query Slower With Prefetch Related Than Without?

This is the pseudocode of my models Offer match = FK(Match) Odds offer = FK(Offer, related… Read more Query Slower With Prefetch Related Than Without?

How To Export Parsed Data From Python To An Oracle Table In Sql Developer?

I have used Python to parse a txt file for specific information (dates, $ amounts, lbs, etc) and no… Read more How To Export Parsed Data From Python To An Oracle Table In Sql Developer?

How To Convert Image Areas To White Or Transparent?

I'm trying convert to white or transparent some rectangles areas within the below image. I'… Read more How To Convert Image Areas To White Or Transparent?

Tensorflow Training Cnn On Custom Images

All the tensorflow tutorials do a great job, however, they all use preprocessed downloadable datase… Read more Tensorflow Training Cnn On Custom Images

Unicodeencodeerror: 'ascii' Codec Can't Encode Character U'\xc5' In Position 35: Ordinal Not In Range(128)

I am currently using Django-countries to get a list of ISO country names for a form field. It displ… Read more Unicodeencodeerror: 'ascii' Codec Can't Encode Character U'\xc5' In Position 35: Ordinal Not In Range(128)

What Does It Mean For An Object To Be "in The Underworld?"

I have this code: def block_stacks(num): stack =, name='Stacks#')… Read more What Does It Mean For An Object To Be "in The Underworld?"

Parse Large Python Xml Using Xmltree

I have a python script that parses huge xml files ( largest one is 446 MB) try: parser … Read more Parse Large Python Xml Using Xmltree

How To Avoid A Broken Pipe Error When Printing A Large Amount Of Formatted Data?

I am trying to print a list of tuples formatted in my stdout. For this, I use the str.format method… Read more How To Avoid A Broken Pipe Error When Printing A Large Amount Of Formatted Data?