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I've been making a discord bot which enters a vc plays an audio then leaves, but I can't seem to get the leaving part to work. Here is my code: # Discord specific import import dis

Solution 1:

My problems were that:

  1. I needed to use: await vc.disconnect()
  2. My version of websockets was too high and needed to be below v4.0.0

Hope this helps people with my problem

Solution 2:

try vc.disconnect() as stated here in the docs, since Client.join_voice_channel(channel)creates a VoiceClient. Also I suggest not having redundant variables like

author =

channel = author.voice_channel

When you can have vc = await client.join_voice_channel(

Also, another redundant variable is Client = discord.Client() since you don't use it anywhere, you use the commands.Bot instance, so it's best to remove that.

Solution 3:

player.disconnect() is a coroutine, you should use the await keyword before it.

await player.disconnect()

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