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Is It Possible Not To Use "self" In A Class?

Possible Duplicate: Python: How to avoid explicit 'self'? In python class if I need to reference the class member variable, I need to have a self. before it. This is anonying,

Solution 1:


>>>import this...
Explicit is better than implicit.

Solution 2:

To reference a class variables, you do not need explicit self. You need it for referencing object (class instance) variables. To reference a class variable, you can simply use that class name, like this:

    x = 1defset(self, x):
        C.x = x

print C.x
a = C()
print a.x
print C.x

the first print would give you 1, and others 2. Although that is probably not what you want/need. (Class variables are bound to a class, not object. That means they are shared between all instances of that class. Btw, using self.x in the example above would mask class variable.)

Solution 3:

I don't know of a way to access object properties as if they're globals without unpacking it explicitly or something.

If you don't like typing self, you can name it whatever you want, a one letter name for instance.

Solution 4:

Writing self explicitly is actually helpful. This encourages readability - one of Python's strengths. I personally consider it very useful.

A similar argument in C++ is that when you use using namespace std, just to save repetitive prefixing of the std namespace. Though this may save time, it should not be done.

So get used to writing self. And seriously, how long does it take!

Solution 5:

Python makes the reference to self explicit for a reason. The primary goal of the Python project is readability and simplicity. The "one correct way to do it" is to have a self argument and an explicit reference.

Do not question the benevolent one ...

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