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Showing posts from January, 2023

Making Python 2.7 Code Run With Python 2.6

I have this simply python function that can extract a zip file (platform independent) def unzip(sou… Read more Making Python 2.7 Code Run With Python 2.6

Get Sender Email Address With Python IMAP

I have this python IMAP script, but my problem is that, every time I want to get the sender's e… Read more Get Sender Email Address With Python IMAP

Python : Communication With C++ Command Line Program Not Working When Using

I have the following python code, which is supposed to provide the intial input to a C++ program, t… Read more Python : Communication With C++ Command Line Program Not Working When Using

How To Create A Open3d.visualization.SelectionPolygonVolume Object Without Loading A Json Filel

I am trying to crop a Open3d pointcloud using a SelectionPolygonVolume object. On Open3d's gith… Read more How To Create A Open3d.visualization.SelectionPolygonVolume Object Without Loading A Json Filel

Is It A Good Idea To Dynamically Create Variables?

I recently found out how to dynamically create variables in python through this method: vars()['… Read more Is It A Good Idea To Dynamically Create Variables?

Find Indexes Of Matching Rows In Two 2-D Arrays

Suppose that I have two 2-D arrays as follows: array([[3, 3, 1, 0], [2, 3, 1, 3], [0,… Read more Find Indexes Of Matching Rows In Two 2-D Arrays

Python - How To Add Response From Scrapy.request From Yield Into An Array

I am trying to collect populations of different sovereigns from wiki list of sovereigns and add the… Read more Python - How To Add Response From Scrapy.request From Yield Into An Array

Web Automation - Dealing With .aspx

I'm trying to accomplish a little bit of automation which includes submitting a form on a webpa… Read more Web Automation - Dealing With .aspx

Fill NaN Values

I have a dataframe TIMESTAMP P_ACT_KW PERIODE_TARIF P_SOUSCR 2016-01-01 00:00:00 116 HC 250 2016-01… Read more Fill NaN Values

Logits And Labels Mismatch In Tensorflow

there is a mismatch between the logits and lables in the Tensorflow after one hot encoding. And my… Read more Logits And Labels Mismatch In Tensorflow

Google App Engine: Automatically Re-deploy Once A Day To Update Machine Learning Model?

I have the following situation: a Python Flask app running on Google App engine; this app serves pr… Read more Google App Engine: Automatically Re-deploy Once A Day To Update Machine Learning Model?

Row Based Chart Plot (Seaborn Or Matplotlib)

Given that my data is a pandas dataframe and looks like this: Ref +1 +2 +3 +… Read more Row Based Chart Plot (Seaborn Or Matplotlib)

How To Check Character Count For Google Translation API?

I am using the following code to translate using the google translation API from impo… Read more How To Check Character Count For Google Translation API?

OpenCV, Python: Eliminating Eventual Narrowing When Stitching Images

Thanks in large part to some great answers on stackoverflow (here, here, and here) I've been ha… Read more OpenCV, Python: Eliminating Eventual Narrowing When Stitching Images

Editing Local XML File Using Python And Regular Expression

I am new to python and trying to modify some xml configuration files which are present in my local … Read more Editing Local XML File Using Python And Regular Expression

Unexpected Update Result On The Quickly Nested List In Python

Why couldn't the first element but the whole column be updated below? >>> x=2*[2*[1]] … Read more Unexpected Update Result On The Quickly Nested List In Python

Import Error: No Module Named Numpy Anaconda

I have a very similar question to this question. I have only one version of python 3.5 installed on… Read more Import Error: No Module Named Numpy Anaconda

Return A List Of Values Of Dictionaries Inside A List

I have a list that contains dictionaries, each of them have the same keys and different values, How… Read more Return A List Of Values Of Dictionaries Inside A List

How Do I Close A File Object I Never Assigned To A Variable?

from sys import argv script, origin, destination = argv open(destination, 'w').write(open(… Read more How Do I Close A File Object I Never Assigned To A Variable?

Reading A Binary File As Plain Text Using Python

A friend of mine has written simple poetry using C's fprintf function. It was written using the… Read more Reading A Binary File As Plain Text Using Python

Compatibility Issue With ContourArea In OpenCV 3

I am trying to do a simple area calculation of contours I get from findContours. My openCv version … Read more Compatibility Issue With ContourArea In OpenCV 3

Python - Bottle & Pillow - Return Image To Browser

I use Bottle Framework and Pillow, I want to generate an image on the fly and display it to the bro… Read more Python - Bottle & Pillow - Return Image To Browser

Jupyter Lab - Launches But Don't See Any Tabs (look/feel Is 100% Different Than Seen In Youtube Videos)

I have jupyter notebook version 4.2 on my MacOS (10.9.5) I launch via jupyter lab at the MacOS term… Read more Jupyter Lab - Launches But Don't See Any Tabs (look/feel Is 100% Different Than Seen In Youtube Videos)

Docx Missing Attributes

I'm trying to do anything considering word document using docx library in python. The problem i… Read more Docx Missing Attributes

How To Make X Axis In Matplotlib/pylab To NOT Sort Automatically The Values?

Whenever I plot, the X axis sorts automatically (for example, if i enter values 3, 2, 4, it will au… Read more How To Make X Axis In Matplotlib/pylab To NOT Sort Automatically The Values?

Statsmodels With Partly Identified Model

I am trying to run a regression where only some of the coefficients can be identified: data =… Read more Statsmodels With Partly Identified Model

Pandas Dataframe Covert Wide To Long Multiple Columns With Name From Column Name

Consider I have a Pandas Dataframe with the following format. Date Product cost|us|2019 … Read more Pandas Dataframe Covert Wide To Long Multiple Columns With Name From Column Name

Scipy Error: Numpy.dtype Size Changed, May Indicate Binary Incompatibility (and Associated Strange Behavior)

I am installing numpy/scipy/scikit-learn on OS X 10.9.4, and am getting errors about 'numpy.dty… Read more Scipy Error: Numpy.dtype Size Changed, May Indicate Binary Incompatibility (and Associated Strange Behavior)

Django Dynamic Urlpatterns

I'm building a simple web application with Django. My users are separated into multiple groups,… Read more Django Dynamic Urlpatterns

Find Row Closest Value To Input

I am struggling with this problem. I have an pandas array which looks like this delt… Read more Find Row Closest Value To Input

How To Pass Parameters Other Than Data Through Pool.imap() Function For Multiprocessing In Python?

I am working on hyperspectral images. To reduce the noise from the image I am using wavelet transfo… Read more How To Pass Parameters Other Than Data Through Pool.imap() Function For Multiprocessing In Python?

Merging Data On Date Time Column (POSIXct Format)

I want to merge two data frames on Date Time column columns contain both similar an… Read more Merging Data On Date Time Column (POSIXct Format)