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Jupyter Lab - Launches But Don't See Any Tabs (look/feel Is 100% Different Than Seen In Youtube Videos)

I have jupyter notebook version 4.2 on my MacOS (10.9.5) I launch via jupyter lab at the MacOS terminal and it automatically opens a browser at the following link: http://localhost

Solution 1:

I could not find an answer to this issue on Windows when searching Stackoverflow/Google/Bing, and this thread was quite prominent hence my Windows-specific answer here.

CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER did not work for me. On windows 10 with Jupyter 4.4.0, Jupyter Lab 0.35.4, the tabs in Jupyter Lab can be made visible/hidden by clicking CTRL+SHIFT+D or toggling in the menu the options (View > Single-document mode).

Jupiter Lab, menu item for toggling the Single-document mode

Solution 2:

Just pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter can toggle showing the tabs on/off. Often one tends to press by mistake and see it disappear

Solution 3:

Other shortcuts didn't worked for me in mac.

In Jupyter Lab 3.0 and later, there's a toggle botton at the bottom of the screen like below: enter image description here

Click on Simple toggle button and you would be able to see all tabs. Below trick works in the below jupyter version as follows:

jupyter core     : 4.7.1
jupyter-notebook : 6.3.0
qtconsole        : not installed
ipython          : 7.16.1
ipykernel        : 5.5.3
jupyter client   : 6.1.12
jupyter lab      : 3.0.0
nbconvert        : 6.0.7
ipywidgets       : not installed
nbformat         : 5.1.3
traitlets        : 4.3.3

Solution 4:

I updated my browser to Chromium Version 56.0.2924.87 (64-bit). The prior version was Version 43.0.2357.130 (64-bit).

On the new version of Chromium, the Jupyter Lab works as expected.

I wanted to answer this question so any other users who experience something similar have a document resource to find a solution.

Solution 5:

The Problem is You are not using any Notebook to open any notebook. Type the following:

ipython notebook
jupyter notebook

Now you will be able to see the Notebook.

You can also browse in the left Screen to the directory where you have a Python script and then open that by clicking on the *.py file from that file explorer.

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