Reading A Binary File As Plain Text Using Python
Solution 1:
The thing is, when dealing with text written to a file, you have to know (or correctly guess) the character encoding used when writing said file. If the program reading the file is assuming the wrong encoding here, you will end up with strange characters in the text if you're lucky and with utter garbage if you're unlucky.
Don't try to guess, try to know: you need to ask your friend in what character encoding he or she wrote the poetry text to the file. You then have to open the file in Python specifying that character encoding. Let's say his/her answer is "UTF-16-LE" (for sake of example), you then write:
with open("poetry.bin", encoding="utf-16-le") as f:
It seems you're on Python 2 still though, so there you write:
import io
with"poetry.bin", encoding="utf-16-le") as f:
You could start by trying UTF-8 first though, that is an often used encoding.
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