Turtle Graphic Window Not Working From Vs Code
Solution 1:
The screen flashed on and then closed because when the application is done, Python exits and thus so does the screen. This has nothing to do with VS Code or the Python extension and simply how applications work.
Probably the easiest way to keep the window open is add the following line at the very end:
input("Press any key to exit ...")
That way Python won't exit until you press a key in the terminal.
Solution 2:
You can use exitonclick() to avoid the window from shutting down.
import turtle
window = turtle.Screen()
geoff = turtle.Turtle()
This way, the graphics window will shut only after you click.
Solution 3:
The easiest solution is to add the following line in your V.S. Code:-
This would prevent the window (Python Turtle Graphics) from closing after running the code:)
Solution 4:
You can create a canvas into turtle like a blank space to draw on. Use this code just to import the module an hold on the graphic window open -Pen It will work with Visual Studio Code, Spyder or Python IDLE
import turtle
window = turtle.Screen()
geoff = turtle.Turtle()
t = turtle.Pen()
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