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How To Execute 7zip Commands From Python Script

I am trying to get a basic idea of how the os.system module can be used to execute 7zip commands. For now I don't want to complicate things with Popen or subprocess. I have install

Solution 1:

There are several problems with the following line:

os.system("C:\Users\Oulton\ 7z e C:\Users\Oulton\  ")

Since your string contains backslashes, you should use a raw string:

os.system(r"C:\Users\Oulton\7z -e C:\Users\Oulton\")

(note the r before the first double quote.)

I've also removed the extraneous spaces. The first one (before the 7z) was definitely problematic.

Also note that the traceback.print_exc does not call the function. You need to add parentheses: traceback.print_exc().

Finally, it is recommended that in new code the subprocess module is used in preference to os.system().

Solution 2:

Can be done using sub process module:

import subprocess

beforezip = D:\kr\file                         #full location
afterzip =
Unzipped_file = "7z a \"%s\" \"%s\"" %( afterzip, beforezip )
retV = subprocess.Popen(cmdExtractISO, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, 
outData = retV.stdout.readlines();

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