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Build Directory Tree From Dropbox Api

What I'd like to do is to build a tree from the dropbox API, for a given path, with share links for each path, using the python bindings. My proposed structure looks something like

Solution 1:

I tweaked your structure just a bit... here's the JSON representation of what the below code produces. Note that I've made the contents field a dictionary indexed by path instead of an array. This is just a little easier and makes for more efficient lookup, but it should be pretty easy to convert to exactly what you have above if you want:


Here's the code that produces that output:

ACCESS_TOKEN = '<REDACTED>'from collections import defaultdict
import json

from dropbox.client import DropboxClient

    return {
        'is_dir': True,
        'contents': defaultdict(make_tree)
tree = defaultdict(make_tree)

client = DropboxClient(ACCESS_TOKEN)

has_more = True
cursor = Nonewhile has_more:
    delta =

    cursor = delta['cursor']
    has_more = delta['has_more']

    for path, metadata in delta['entries']:
        if metadata isnotNone:

            # find the right place in the tree
            segments = path.split('/')
            location = tree['/']
            for i in xrange(1, len(segments)-1):
                current_path = '/'.join(segments[:i+1])
                location = location['contents'][current_path]

            # insert the new entry
            location['contents'][path] = {
                'is_dir': metadata['is_dir'],
                'contents': {}

print json.dumps(tree['/'], indent=4)

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