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__init__() Takes Exactly 2 Arguments (1 Given)?

I would like to know where am lagging, Looking for your advices.. class Student_Record(object): def __init__(self,s): self.s='class_Library' print'Welcome!! ta

Solution 1:

Your Student_Record.__init__() method takes two arguments, self and s. self is provided for you by Python, but you failed to provide s.

You are ignoring s altogether, drop it from the function signature:

        self.s = "class_Library"print"Welcome!! take the benifit of the library"

Next, you are calling the method rec.Student_details() passing in an argument, but that method only takes self, which is already provided for you by Python. You don't need to pass it in manually, and in your case the name is not even defined in that scope.

Solution 2:

if you do

classStudent_Record(object):def__init__(self, s):
        self.s = ""defStudent_details(self):
        print " Please enter your details below"

when you create the object of class Student_Record it should accept a parameter despite for itself (self). so it looks like:

record = Student_Record("text")

and in __init__ you can do whatever with the passed-in variable s. For example, self.s = s and you can call it anywhere in the class with self.s because it has been initialized.

Solution 3:

Your code should be like this..(python indent):


        print"Welcome!! take the benifit of the library"defStudent_details(self):
        print" Please enter your details below"
        a=raw_input("Enter your name :\n")
        print ("your name is :" +a)
        b=raw_input("Enter your USN :\n")
        print ("Your USN is:" ,int(b))
        c=raw_input("Enter your branch :\n")
        print ("your entered baranch is" +c)
        d=raw_input("Enter your current semester :\n")
        print ("your in the semester",int(d))



s in def __init__ should have a default value or you can pass a value from rec=Student_Record().

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