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Sympy: Using A Symbolic Expression As A Numerical Integrand

I need to manipulate a function symbolically, and then numerically integrate the function. How do I correctly use my expression f in the integrand function. How do I use lambdify c

Solution 1:

lambdify returns a function object, there is no need to use a wrapper function. Also note that the first argument of lambdify should be a tuple of variables representing sympy symbols (in this case, r) that are included in the sympy expression (in this case, f_sym) provided as its second argument.

import sympy as sp
from scipy.integrate import quad

r = sp.symbols('r')           
f_sym = sp.diff(r*r, r)

f_lam = sp.lambdify(r, f_sym) 

result = quad(f_lam, 0, 5)

(25.0, 2.7755575615628914e-13)

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