Keep The Nature Of Array Formulas When Using Openpyxl
Iam working on a excel workbook that needs to find median of all column values where another column value is a specific string using openpyxl. For this purpose, I have used MEDIAN
Solution 1:
openpyxl supports limited parsing of formulas embedded in cells. The openpyxl.formula package contains a Tokenizer class to break formulas into their constituent tokens. A token in an Excel formula.
Tokens have three attributes:
- value: The string value parsed that led to this token (The actual formula, in our Median-IF formula as you would write in excel.)
- type: A string identifying the type of token
- subtype: A string identifying subtype of the token (optional, and defaults to “”)
Your Median-If formula could be different, the code below is for reference only. It suggest how to parse (or say, validate) the array formulas using openpyxl. Usage is as follows:
>>>from openpyxl.formula import Tokenizer>>>tok = Tokenizer("""{=MEDIAN(IF($B$1:$B$6="1234",$A$1:$A$6,""))}""")>>>tok.type = Token.ARRAY>>>tok.parse()
Kindly note that openpyxl support either the formula or the value of the formula which one can select using the data_only flag when opening a workbook. However, openpyxl does not and will not calculate the result of a formula. Use either of the following for a greater control to Excel in Python:
Attribution: openpyxl documentation (Tokenizer)
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