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"valueerror: Embedded Null Character" When Using Open()

I am taking python at my college and I am stuck with my current assignment. We are supposed to take 2 files and compare them. I am simply trying to open the files so I can use the

Solution 1:

It seems that you have problems with characters "\" and "/". If you use them in input - try to change one to another...

Solution 2:

Default encoding of files for Python 3.5 is 'utf-8'.

Default encoding of files for Windows tends to be something else.

If you intend to open two text files, you may try this:

import locale
file1 = input("Enter the name of the first file: ")
file1_open = open(file1, encoding=locale.getdefaultlocale()[1])
file1_content =

There should be some automatic detection in the standard library.

Otherwise you may create your own:

    """guess the encoding of the given file"""import io
    import locale
    with, "rb") as f:
        data =
    if data.startswith(b"\xEF\xBB\xBF"):  # UTF-8 with a "BOM"return"utf-8-sig"elif data.startswith(b"\xFF\xFE") or data.startswith(b"\xFE\xFF"):
        return"utf-16"else:  # in Windows, guessing utf-8 doesn't work, so we have to trytry:
            with, encoding="utf-8") as f:
                preview =
            return locale.getdefaultlocale()[1]

and then

file1 = input("Enter the name of the first file: ")
file1_open = open(file1, encoding=guess_encoding(file1))
file1_content =

Solution 3:

I got this error when copying a file to a folder that starts with a number. If you write the folder path with the double \ sign before the number, the problem will be solved.

Solution 4:

The problem is due to bytes data that needs to be decoded.

When you insert a variable into the interpreter, it displays it's repr attribute whereas print() takes the str (which are the same in this scenario) and ignores all unprintable characters such as: \x00, \x01 and replaces them with something else.

A solution is to "decode" file1_content (ignore bytes):

file1_content = ''.join(x for x in file1_content if x.isprintable())

Solution 5:

The first slash of the file path name throws the error.

Need Raw, r Raw string

FileHandle = open(r'..', encoding='utf8')

FilePath='C://FileName.txt' FilePath=r'C:/FileName.txt'

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