Why Does Upload_from_file Google Cloud Storage Function Throws Timeout Error?
I created a function that works for me, It uploads a file to Google Cloud Storage. The problem is when my friend tries to upload the same file to the same bucket using the same cod
Solution 1:
The problem is solved by reducing the chunk size of the blob. The code changed to be:
def upload_to_cloud(file_path):
saves a file in the google storage. As Google requires audio files greater than 60 seconds to be saved on cloud before processing
It always saves in 'audio-files-bucket' (folder)
Path of file to be saved
URI of the saved file
print("Uploading to cloud...")
client = storage.Client().from_service_account_json(KEY_PATH)
bucket = client.get_bucket('audio-files-bucket')
file_name = str(file_path).split('\\')[-1]
blob = bucket.blob(file_name)
## For slow upload speed
storage.blob._DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE = 2097152 # 1024 * 1024 B * 2 = 2 MB
storage.blob._MAX_MULTIPART_SIZE = 2097152 # 2 MB
with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
print("uploaded at: ", "gs://audio-files-bucket/{}".format(file_name))
return "gs://audio-files-bucket/{}".format(file_name)
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