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Easygui Output?, I have two lists. One has 16 entries. The other at least has a couple hundred. Outputting them with EasyGUI is easy enough, with either a textbox() function or msgbox()

Solution 1:

use '\n'.join

>>>import easygui as ea>>>big_list = ['this', 'is', 'no', 'so', 'big']>>>text = '\n'.join(big_list)>>>ea.textbox(text=text)

Solution 2:

here is one example code I made. it will use part pseudo code, part python:

from easygui import *
listbigblobofitems= ["item1","item2","item3","item4","item5"]
listForOutput= [empty]

x = 0
y = bigblobofitem.count()

while x != y and x < y:
    x = x+1


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