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Implementing Pandas Function To Numpy Functions

Is there a way I could convert the xy_mean function to be computed using the pandas library just like the y_mean function. I found out that the pandas function Y_mean = pd.Series(P

Solution 1:

You would need to define a custom function for that, and pass it to rolling.apply:


However, this will be a little slower, owing to the apply. Furthermore, it seems like your numpy version creates xy_sum as opposed to xy_mean, to make it calculate mean you would need:

>>>(np.convolve(PC_list, np.arange(number, 0, -1), mode='valid')/number)[:-1]

array([830.200663  , 813.58131933, 803.02233867, 804.33401467,
       836.83266167, 847.78297967, 838.97432467, 819.875987  ,
       806.32798267, 778.33598867, 760.09433967, 762.98234   ,
       766.73332667, 759.796651  , 737.43165033, 693.564656  ,
       659.591339  , 653.374349  , 663.07635533, 687.09101333,
       712.381673  , 722.55934667, 725.015686  , 740.60235567,
       763.54634533, 787.32899933, 792.15767367])

        return series.mul(multiplier).mean()


array([830.200663  , 813.58131933, 803.02233867, 804.33401467,
       836.83266167, 847.78297967, 838.97432467, 819.875987  ,
       806.32798267, 778.33598867, 760.09433967, 762.98234   ,
       766.73332667, 759.796651  , 737.43165033, 693.564656  ,
       659.591339  , 653.374349  , 663.07635533, 687.09101333,
       712.381673  , 722.55934667, 725.015686  , 740.60235567,
       763.54634533, 787.32899933, 792.15767367])

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