Are Values In One Dataframe In Bins Of Another Dataframe?
I have a dataframe named loc_df with two columns of bins that looks like this... > loc_df loc_x_bin loc_y_bin (-20, -10] (0, 50] (-140, -130]
Solution 1:
UPDATE2: if you want to check that bothx
and y
belong to bins from the same row in df_loc
(or loc_df
xstep = 10
ystep = 50
In [201]: (df.assign(bin=(pd.cut(df.loc_x, np.arange(-500, 500, xstep)).astype(str)
.....: +
.....: pd.cut(df.loc_y, np.arange(-500, 500, ystep)).astype(str)
.....: )
.....: )
.....: )['bin'].isin(df_loc.sum(axis=1))
Name: bin, dtype: bool
In [202]: (df.assign(bin=(pd.cut(df.loc_x, np.arange(-500, 500, xstep)).astype(str)
.....: +
.....: pd.cut(df.loc_y, np.arange(-500, 500, ystep)).astype(str)
.....: )
.....: )
.....: )
loc_x loc_y bin
0 -1525 (-20, -10](0, 50]
13035 (20, 30](0, 50]
25 -45 (0, 10](-50, 0]
3 -135 -200 (-140, -130](-250, -200]
4525 (0, 10](0, 50]
In [203]: df_loc.sum(axis=1)
0 (-20, -10](0, 50]
1 (-140, -130](100, 150]
2 (0, 10](-50, 0]
dtype: object
UPDATE: if you want to check whether x
belongs to loc_x_bin
and y
belongs to loc_y_bin
(not necessarily from the same row in df_loc
if df_loc.dtypes
doesn't show category
for both columns, then you may want to convert your categories to category
dtype first:
df_loc.loc_x_bin = df_loc.loc_x_bin.astype('category')
df_loc.loc_y_bin = df_loc.loc_y_bin.astype('category')
then you can categorize your columns in the df
"on the fly":
xstep = 10
ystep = 50
df['in_bins'] = ( (pd.cut(df.loc_x, np.arange(-500, 500, xstep)).isin(df_loc.loc_x_bin))
(pd.cut(df.loc_y, np.arange(-500, 500, ystep)).isin(df_loc.loc_y_bin))
In [130]: df['in_bins'] = ( (pd.cut(df.loc_x, np.arange(-500, 500, xstep)).isin(df_loc.loc_x_bin))
.....: &
.....: (pd.cut(df.loc_y, np.arange(-500, 500, ystep)).isin(df_loc.loc_y_bin))
.....: )
In [131]: df
loc_x loc_y in_bins
0 -1525 True
13035 False
25 -45 True
3 -135 -200 False
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