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How To Open An Application In Mac Os Using Python

I want to open an application like TextEdit or Firefox in Mac OS using Python and wait till the applications exits. I can't figure out exact command to open an app and wait.

Solution 1:

I don't know how to do it in applescript, but you can do this by using the /usr/bin/open UNIX-level OS X command. This snippet will open and block, waiting for it to quit before continuing:

import subprocess
    ["/usr/bin/open", "-W", "-n", "-a", "/Applications/"]

Look at the open man page (man open) and the python subprocess module documentation for more details.

Solution 2:

You can open any application like this example

import osos.system("open /Applications/Google\")
os.system("open /Applications/")
os.system("open /Applications/")

Solution 3:


tell app "Whatever you want" to open

Call from Python

import os
os.system("""osascript -e 'tell app "Safari" to open'""")

Solution 4:

This works for me on Mac OS 11.1:

import osos.system("open -a TextEdit")
print("Done and not blocking")

Solution 5:

You can close any app on osx (like Chrome or Safari) with this in python:

import osos.system("pkill Chrome")

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