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Opening Folder With .gl Extension In Python Or Pandas

I downloaded some data from an online course I'm following. Once unzipped it generates a folder called (the folder comes with that gl extension) and inside that folder the

Solution 1:

You can always save SFrame to csv and create pandas DataFrame from csv:

sf = sframe.SFrame('Downloads/')'Downloads/home_data.csv', format='csv')
df = pandas.read_csv('Downloads/home_data.csv')

Solution 2:

Updated answer as of 2018/05, turicreate

Run pip install turicreate. And then

In [1]: import turicreate as tc

In [2]: data = tc.SFrame('./case_study_approach/week2/')

In [4]:'./case_study_approach/week2/home_data.csv', format='csv')

In [5]: !less ./case_study_approach/week2/home_data.csv

This package supports many platform well. Instructions are better and cleaner for installation. SFrame is simply deprecated and cannot be installed on Linux.

Solution 3:

See your point... Taking the same course and wanted to know how to do it also. My findings: The SFrame Package is licensed under a BSD license :)

Here is what I did:

pip install -U sframe

Then in ipython notebook:

importsframepeople= sframe.SFrame('')

It worked.

Solution 4:

At this time I tried to import sframe but I got following error:

No module named 'sframe'

I tried to install sframe with following:

pip install -U sframe

And you can't use conda to install the sframe on Linux or Windows, except on Mac devices.

long story short I got different errors.

I'm here to say, since this dataset is from either graphlab create or SFrame you can use following code using graphlab create:

importgraphlabsf= graphlab.SFrame('')'home_data.csv' , format = 'csv')

And for those who have access to Online iPython Notebook, no need to install the ghraphlab create. Just use it as it is and you'll get the home_data.csv dataset in your notebook.

Solution 5:

if you are taking the Coursera course, either enrolled or auditing - they have provided link to get grapghlab create with free student license valid for a year. And if you dont want to store it locally, you can avail the aws hosted free tier.

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