Fast Information Gain Computation
Solution 1:
Don't know whether it still helps since a year has passed. But now I happen to be faced with the same task for text classification. I've rewritten your code using the nonzero() function provided for sparse matrix. Then I just scan nz, count the corresponding y_value and calculate the entropy.
The following code only needs seconds to run news20 dataset (loaded in using libsvm sparse matrix format).
def information_gain(X, y):
def _calIg():
entropy_x_set = 0
entropy_x_not_set = 0
for c in classCnt:
probs = classCnt[c] / float(featureTot)
entropy_x_set = entropy_x_set - probs * np.log(probs)
probs = (classTotCnt[c] - classCnt[c]) / float(tot - featureTot)
entropy_x_not_set = entropy_x_not_set - probs * np.log(probs)
for c in classTotCnt:
if c not in classCnt:
probs = classTotCnt[c] / float(tot - featureTot)
entropy_x_not_set = entropy_x_not_set - probs * np.log(probs)
return entropy_before - ((featureTot / float(tot)) * entropy_x_set
+ ((tot - featureTot) / float(tot)) * entropy_x_not_set)
tot = X.shape[0]
classTotCnt = {}
entropy_before = 0
for i in y:
if i not in classTotCnt:
classTotCnt[i] = 1
classTotCnt[i] = classTotCnt[i] + 1
for c in classTotCnt:
probs = classTotCnt[c] / float(tot)
entropy_before = entropy_before - probs * np.log(probs)
nz = X.T.nonzero()
pre = 0
classCnt = {}
featureTot = 0
information_gain = []
for i in range(0, len(nz[0])):
if (i != 0 and nz[0][i] != pre):
for notappear in range(pre+1, nz[0][i]):
ig = _calIg()
pre = nz[0][i]
classCnt = {}
featureTot = 0
featureTot = featureTot + 1
yclass = y[nz[1][i]]
if yclass not in classCnt:
classCnt[yclass] = 1
classCnt[yclass] = classCnt[yclass] + 1
ig = _calIg()
return np.asarray(information_gain)
Solution 2:
Here is a version that uses matrix operations. The IG for a feature is a mean over its class-specific scores.
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import issparse
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer
from sklearn.utils import check_array
from sklearn.utils.extmath import safe_sparse_dot
def ig(X, y):
def get_t1(fc, c, f):
t = np.log2(fc/(c * f))
t[~np.isfinite(t)] = 0
return np.multiply(fc, t)
def get_t2(fc, c, f):
t = np.log2((1-f-c+fc)/((1-c)*(1-f)))
t[~np.isfinite(t)] = 0
return np.multiply((1-f-c+fc), t)
def get_t3(c, f, class_count, observed, total):
nfc = (class_count - observed)/total
t = np.log2(nfc/(c*(1-f)))
t[~np.isfinite(t)] = 0
return np.multiply(nfc, t)
def get_t4(c, f, feature_count, observed, total):
fnc = (feature_count - observed)/total
t = np.log2(fnc/((1-c)*f))
t[~np.isfinite(t)] = 0
return np.multiply(fnc, t)
X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr')
if np.any(( if issparse(X) else X) < 0):
raise ValueError("Input X must be non-negative.")
Y = LabelBinarizer().fit_transform(y)
if Y.shape[1] == 1:
Y = np.append(1 - Y, Y, axis=1)
# counts
observed = safe_sparse_dot(Y.T, X) # n_classes * n_features
total = observed.sum(axis=0).reshape(1, -1).sum()
feature_count = X.sum(axis=0).reshape(1, -1)
class_count = (X.sum(axis=1).reshape(1, -1) * Y).T
# probs
f = feature_count / feature_count.sum()
c = class_count / float(class_count.sum())
fc = observed / total
# the feature score is averaged over classes
scores = (get_t1(fc, c, f) +
get_t2(fc, c, f) +
get_t3(c, f, class_count, observed, total) +
get_t4(c, f, feature_count, observed, total)).mean(axis=0)
scores = np.asarray(scores).reshape(-1)
return scores, []
On a dataset with 1000 instances and 1000 unique features, this implementation is >100 faster than the one without matrix operations.
Solution 3:
It is this code feature_not_set_indices = [i for i in feature_range if i not in feature_set_indices]
takes 90% of the time, try to change to set operation
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