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Extracting Raw XML Via Lxml Etree

I'm trying to extract raw XML from an XML file. So if my data is: ... Lots of XML ...

Solution 1:

You should be able to use tostring() to serialize the XML.


from lxml import etree

xml = """
        <randomStuff>this is a sentence</randomStuff>
        <randomStuff>more words</randomStuff>

parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)

tree = etree.fromstring(xml, parser=parser)

elems = []

for elem in tree.xpath("getThese"):


Printed output...

['<getThese><clonedKey>1</clonedKey><clonedKey>2</clonedKey><clonedKey>3</clonedKey><randomStuff>this is a sentence</randomStuff></getThese>', '<getThese><clonedKey>6</clonedKey><clonedKey>8</clonedKey><clonedKey>3</clonedKey><randomStuff>more words</randomStuff></getThese>']

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