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How Can I Capture 'Ctrl-D' In Python Interactive Console?

I have a server which runs in a thread in the background, and I start it using python -i so I can get an interactive console where I can type in commands and easily debug it. But w

Solution 1:

Use raw_input (Use input in Python 3.x). Pressing Ctrl+D will cause EOFError exception.

except EOFError:


Use atexit - Exit handlers:

import atexit

def quit_gracefully():
    print 'Bye'


Solution 2:

I have exactly the same problem like you and I've fixed it. I've found a good answer in a comment located here :

Here, the comment :

"You can always set your threads to "daemon" threads like:

t.daemon = True

And whenever the main thread dies all threads will die with him ^^"

Thank's to OP for his question and thank's to comment author for his sharing.

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